
A report

A student committed suicide
     On Sunday May 15, 2015 in Malaysia, at 8 o’clock morning, had some people around saw about the incident, there had a students suicide in her live place.  The students live in the Kerana Jaya Casa Indah condominium three blocks A 15-8.Her name is Wendy, 16 years old. She studies in Zhong Yi secondly school. The student go to the 19 floors and jump down from the building. She suicide reason is study stress and family problem .Some of the people saw the incident vividly. One of the people is David, he is a engineer. Second one is Marry, she is a teacher, live in the Karana Jaya Indah condominium three which is Wendy neighbor. Third is a Jason, he is Wendy boyfriend and also a student.
Marry said she heard Wendy unit has some quarrel sound in the morning  .She saw their parents quarrel and scolded Wendy when she across their unit door .She do not feel strange because she heard their quarrel and hear the cry sound from the neighbor sometime, so that she never notice this event. After that, she goes to work. She look normal wait the lifts and saw Wendy ran out the house and hiding at the corner. She saw Wendy was crying, so that she goes and over comfort Wendy, but Wendy ignore her. After that, she ran away.
             Jason is study in Zhong Yi secondly school which is Wendy boyfriend. He said she often cry during rest time. They ask her what happen, but she did not say anything. He sometime saw Wendy body has injury. He some while discredit Wendy injury come from, so that he very worry about Wendy. At the happen event yesterday evening, Wendy has call Jason, she said she very sad, she examination very bad and scare to tell her mother because her mother requirement very high. She quake with fear when she talk about her examination, and family problem is her parents often quarrel for money. Her mother usually scolded her when her father did not give her mother money to pay the cost. Her father sometime hit her when quarrel with her mother.  She was living in pain. Everyday she looks upset and down.
            David work near by their house. He’s company very close to the Indah Condominium three. He said that on Sunday May 15 morning, had a girl ran away and bump he so that he very impression. After than, he walk across condominium, he saw a girl stand to the 19 floors wants to jump down from the building. He called the police at the moment and advised the girl. Suddenly had so many people around and saw the girl. All the people were thinking about what she is doing. She did not listen to anyone and just jump down from the building.  The young girl died in front of many people.

            Lastly, the police came and check the situation. The police bring the girl go to hospital. Unlucky, the girls was died before the police bring hers go to the hospital.

A student committed suicide

       On Sunday May 15, 2015 in Malaysia, at 8 o'clock morning,had a students suicide in her live place.  She suicide reason is study stress and family problem.There are three witness saw the incident. The first person said she heard some quarrel sound in the girl house at the morning. The second person is girl boyfriend.He said she had call and tell his about her story.The last  person said he saw a girls stand to the 19 floors wants to jump down from the building.After than, the police came and bring the girl go to hospital,but before go to the hospital,the girls was died.


       In this small town, there was a little girl sit under tree. Her name is Tow Eting, that me. I am quiet and a weird person. I like to draw .Sometime I will draw my own self to practice my skill. I do not like to study. It is because I know that study was boring things.
       When I came to secondary school, I choose my course is art and design. My family against me to choose this course because study materials is too expensive. My family can’t pay the expenses but I request my mother to give me a chance to choose want I like, so that I very hard working to study and get a good result to her.

 Furthermore, I like to eat onion because, it has some sweet taste, I like to hear music because it can make me feel comfortable. Besides that, I don’t like to do household duties. However, I hate to do household duties but my mother will force me to do.
為什麼秋冬到了 應該多吃洋蔥
      Lastly, in my friends’ impressions I was a weird, crazy and quiet person.  Although, my friends feel that I am kind of person but on me, I don’t think that I’m that kind of person, so this me.
                                                                                                                                       (207 words)

My favourite food


He has a red shirt,

Peel the red shirt,

Inside is a white color.

He has many type and size,

Inside is a layer follow a layer.

Have many reasons let person dislike eat him,

Because he let person had a badly taste,

But I very like to eat him.

Sometime he carries sweet taste,

The sweet taste can melt my heart.

Among the food, he can be a major character,

He also can be supporting characters,

He can put in different type of food.

But when you cut him, you eyes feel very paint.

Onion, is a mystical food,

Let me deeply be attract,

Onion, has strange taste,

Let many people dislike him.

But he is my favourite food.


     It is mystery and horrible water. It has huge magic that let people feel afraid. This horrible water by a younger girl, she name is Joe .She sell the water in the white house. The white house at the jungle, look very big and beautiful but the house is full of air mystery and horrible atmosphere. She has a black cat live in the white house. The water is inside the bottle and the girl start to sell the water to people.
     The water can let people implement all the wishes, so that the water sells finish very fast. One day, has a little girl, her name is Flora. She comes in front of the white house. She is stuck inside the jungle and walk into the house. She feels strange because she never hear about white house story. She thinks the house has sold some things that can let people implement the entire wish. In the house, she sees a black car sleep on the table. After that, Joe come out and asks Flora, “Do you have any wish want implement”. Joe heard the news very excited, and said she want to Flora become a beautiful girl. Joe takes some water put inside a small glass bottle and sells to Flora. She told Flora that when you drink finish the water you must wait for a few minutes, the water magic can achieve your wish. Flora buys the water and drink up when Joe explain to her. Suddenly, Flora passes out in the white house, Joe issue some strange sound of laughter. This sound let people hear very horrible.
    Two minutes passed, Flora has been waken, she use hand feel her face, she think she has been become different, so that  she walk to the cupboard beside there has big mirror. She very astonish when she look in mirror. She very excited and become beautiful.   At the moment, Joe laugh again this times, she laugh very loudness because she got a secret and don’t want to tell Flora. Now, Flora want to go back home. 
    On the route, she meet her best friend Alice, she excite go to Alice say hello, but Alice do not know her and quick walk out. Flora calls her friend again but her friend did not stop and still walking. Her very sad and go back home .This moment Joe quietly follow Flora, she didn't tell Flora that has consideration. After Flora go back home, her family use unusual eyesight see her. Her brother ask Flora “who are you, why you can come into my house”.Flora cry and ran away from the house .She ran for a long time, She ran across the road. Suddenly, has a lorry rush come over to her, she fast disperse the lorry and fall down on the roadside, Flora to tremble because of fear. Now, Joe at near side read magic incantation, want to Flora give consideration, Joe want Flora lost her legs very pain, and let her shout very loudly. She can not stand in her life. Joe walks in front Flora and said, “That is no free things in the world”.

Future city

In the 2065 year, the earth has a beautiful, high technology and mystical city. Beside that the city has many type of robot. This robot can be live like people, they got the emotion and idea, so that this city has people and robots live together, they live in this city very happy and harmony like a friend .The city name is Pandora.
Some of the people in this city, they no need to work because they are nobleman in the city. They very rich and can buy themselves a robot, can help them to work. They just only want to instruct robot to work. There got many type of robot. Example, some of the robot do household or can use at business .But not all the robot like this, robot also has robot nobleman, robot government this type robot no need to help people working. Live in this city, the difference between robot and human is people can control their robot mind, so that people don’t need car, can sit in the robot and control their robot idea go out.
Furthermore, the city use air, water and sunlight made many foods. This way can let food keep longer so that will not decompose. Therefore, live in this city people very healthy, so that they can live longer .Moreover, the city can floating on the sea or sky , every time change the place ,so that the city don’t have the regularize place. Outside people can not find this city when you are not living in this city but this city people can go to other city and outside people could not come in this city. On the other hand, they use special materials build their buildings so that their buildings substance. After that, there are no schools, university and college because they are very clever, so that they no need to study and then there are not supermarkets, but has one factory to made their people daily necessities, their products all use natural materials to make. Their call to the factory order, and deliver you place.

Lastly, live in this city people very freedom, they are no stress live this city. Their live in the city let many people admire, so that there are nicely and beautiful city.