

     It is mystery and horrible water. It has huge magic that let people feel afraid. This horrible water by a younger girl, she name is Joe .She sell the water in the white house. The white house at the jungle, look very big and beautiful but the house is full of air mystery and horrible atmosphere. She has a black cat live in the white house. The water is inside the bottle and the girl start to sell the water to people.
     The water can let people implement all the wishes, so that the water sells finish very fast. One day, has a little girl, her name is Flora. She comes in front of the white house. She is stuck inside the jungle and walk into the house. She feels strange because she never hear about white house story. She thinks the house has sold some things that can let people implement the entire wish. In the house, she sees a black car sleep on the table. After that, Joe come out and asks Flora, “Do you have any wish want implement”. Joe heard the news very excited, and said she want to Flora become a beautiful girl. Joe takes some water put inside a small glass bottle and sells to Flora. She told Flora that when you drink finish the water you must wait for a few minutes, the water magic can achieve your wish. Flora buys the water and drink up when Joe explain to her. Suddenly, Flora passes out in the white house, Joe issue some strange sound of laughter. This sound let people hear very horrible.
    Two minutes passed, Flora has been waken, she use hand feel her face, she think she has been become different, so that  she walk to the cupboard beside there has big mirror. She very astonish when she look in mirror. She very excited and become beautiful.   At the moment, Joe laugh again this times, she laugh very loudness because she got a secret and don’t want to tell Flora. Now, Flora want to go back home. 
    On the route, she meet her best friend Alice, she excite go to Alice say hello, but Alice do not know her and quick walk out. Flora calls her friend again but her friend did not stop and still walking. Her very sad and go back home .This moment Joe quietly follow Flora, she didn't tell Flora that has consideration. After Flora go back home, her family use unusual eyesight see her. Her brother ask Flora “who are you, why you can come into my house”.Flora cry and ran away from the house .She ran for a long time, She ran across the road. Suddenly, has a lorry rush come over to her, she fast disperse the lorry and fall down on the roadside, Flora to tremble because of fear. Now, Joe at near side read magic incantation, want to Flora give consideration, Joe want Flora lost her legs very pain, and let her shout very loudly. She can not stand in her life. Joe walks in front Flora and said, “That is no free things in the world”.

