
Future city

In the 2065 year, the earth has a beautiful, high technology and mystical city. Beside that the city has many type of robot. This robot can be live like people, they got the emotion and idea, so that this city has people and robots live together, they live in this city very happy and harmony like a friend .The city name is Pandora.
Some of the people in this city, they no need to work because they are nobleman in the city. They very rich and can buy themselves a robot, can help them to work. They just only want to instruct robot to work. There got many type of robot. Example, some of the robot do household or can use at business .But not all the robot like this, robot also has robot nobleman, robot government this type robot no need to help people working. Live in this city, the difference between robot and human is people can control their robot mind, so that people don’t need car, can sit in the robot and control their robot idea go out.
Furthermore, the city use air, water and sunlight made many foods. This way can let food keep longer so that will not decompose. Therefore, live in this city people very healthy, so that they can live longer .Moreover, the city can floating on the sea or sky , every time change the place ,so that the city don’t have the regularize place. Outside people can not find this city when you are not living in this city but this city people can go to other city and outside people could not come in this city. On the other hand, they use special materials build their buildings so that their buildings substance. After that, there are no schools, university and college because they are very clever, so that they no need to study and then there are not supermarkets, but has one factory to made their people daily necessities, their products all use natural materials to make. Their call to the factory order, and deliver you place.

Lastly, live in this city people very freedom, they are no stress live this city. Their live in the city let many people admire, so that there are nicely and beautiful city.

